Great Dun Fell

Radar station on Great Dun Fell

The Great Dun Fell is a mountain in the north of the Pennines in Cumbria, England. With a height of 848 m of the Great Dun Fell is the second highest mountain in the Pennines. The Little Dun Fell is its north-western side peak with a height of 842 m. (54 ° 42 ' N, 2 ° 28' W54.693083 - 2.458935842 ) The two peaks form a ridge with the Cross Fell.

Radar station

On the Great Dun Fell is a radar station that is located with a secondary radar together with primary radar facilities in a radome, performs the monitoring of air traffic in northern England and southern Scotland. The radar station is operated by the National Air Traffic Services ( NATS ), the British air traffic control. For the construction and operation of the radar station, a private road was built, which is regarded as the highest road in Britain.


The slopes of the ridge are penetrated by channels called hushings, which served to remove water- soil layers to get to underneath lead deposits.

  • Mountain in Europe
  • Mountain in Cumbria
  • Mountain under 1000 meters