Greater bamboo lemur

Large bamboo lemur ( Prolemur simus )

Called The Great bamboo lemur ( Prolemur simus ), also Large lemur or broad -snouted lemur, a primate of the group of lemurs is ( Lemuriformes ). He is one of the most endangered species of lemurs.


Large bamboo lemurs reach a body length 40-42 centimeters, the tail is 45 to 48 centimeters longer than the trunk. The weight is of 2.2 to 2.5 kilograms. Their coat is short and dense, it is colored predominantly gray-brown, the underside is lighter. The head, shoulders and upper arms are more reddish brown. The rounded head is also colored gray-brown, the muzzle is short and broad. Characteristic are the gray-white ear tufts. The population of the Andringitra highlands is characterized by a rötlicheres fur and the lack of ear tufts.

Distribution and habitat

Large bamboo lemurs are like all lemurs available only in Madagascar. Its current circulation area covers only a small region on the eastern coast of the island, so they live in the area of ​​the National Park of Ranomafana and Andringitra highlands. 2007 was another population in Torotorofotsy Wetlands, also in the east of the island, discovered. Their habitat are lined with bamboo rainforests from sea level to 1600 meters above sea level.

Way of life

These primates are primarily diurnal, but repeatedly show also nocturnal phase. Your movement is a vertical climbing and jumping, they hold to a greater extent than other species of lemurs on ground. They live in groups of four to seven (sometimes up to eleven) animals, the groups consist of one male, one or two females and the corresponding young animals. The home ranges are 40 to 60 acres of relatively large.

The food of these animals consists almost exclusively of bamboo shoots and leaves. The giant bamboo Cathariostachys madagascariensis makes up to 95 % of the diet of

After about 140 - to 150 -day gestation period is in October or November usually a single young is born. This is weaned at seven to eight months and leaves the parental group with three to four years.


Fossil finds indicate that large bamboo lemurs were formerly widespread in the north- west to the north and east throughout their home island, today's circulation area covers only about 1-4 % of the original area. Main threat to these species, the destruction of their habitat by logging and slash and burn dar. In field research in the last 20 years, only 12 groups were found with a total of less than 100 animals, the total population is expected to rank among the lowest of all lemur species. The IUCN lists the species as " threatened with extinction " ( critically endangered ). Since this species is threatened, they have the following zoos in their existence: Germany: Cologne Zoo, France: asson, Besançon, United Kingdom: Burford, Lympne.


Until recently, species was classified in the genus of bamboo lemurs ( Hapalemur ). Due to differences in size in the skeleton and the way of life it is now usually performed in a separate genus, Prolemur.
