Green and black poison dart frog

Gold poison dart ( Dendrobates auratus)

The Gold poison dart ( Dendrobates auratus ) is a Froschlurch from the family of poison dart frog ( Dendrobatidae ).


The attractive gold colored poison dart but poisons on their skin off, but over which they have only in the wild. By eating poisonous ants they transform the poison of insects in a poisonous secretion, which is then secreted through the skin. The frog is distinguished as many of his relatives by a very lively body coloration, which have the function of a warning costume. The richness of color ranges from black / green, and there are many different shades of green and deviations in the green / black part (eg Costa Rica Pacific side with a predominant proportion of black and Caribbean side with a predominant amount of green ), gold / brown to blue / black to almost completely yellow animals.


The species occurs in tropical Latin America, for example, in Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. It is found at altitudes up to 1000 m. In addition, he was reintroduced in the early 30s on the Hawaiian island of Oahu for mosquito control.

Size of stocks and their development are known insufficiently, although the gold Baumsteiger by IUCN is considered safely.


Gold Baumsteiger operate parental care by the male takes place, a hatched tadpole on its back and then she settles in water-filled leaf axils of bromeliads, which is about two to three meters are located above the ground.

Parental care includes watering of the scrim and the transport and settling of the tadpoles in water. Because of their occurrence in the vicinity of streams and water retention, the tadpoles are transported in small water collections. Here are often used in water- filled cavities such as Branch, root cavities or bromeliads hoppers as a " nursery ". The male always transported 1-3 tadpoles on his back. These are cannibalistic.
