Green papaya salad

Som Tam ( Thai: ส้มตำ ) is a sharp papaya salad dish consisting mainly of crushed vegetables. It is an original Laotian food that is outside in Isaan usual.

Som ( ส้ม ) is called sour and tam ( ตำ ) thinks stomp, crush.

Other spellings are som tum, som DTAM, som dtum or papaya pok pok ( onomatopoeia for the sound of the ram ), tam som or in Lao and Isan tam mak hung ( Thai: ຕໍາ ຫມາກ ຮຸ່ງ: ตำ หมาก หุ่ ง, Lao ) means there mak hung the Lao word for papaya.

Ingredients and preparation

The main ingredient are immature papaya fruits, chillies, garlic, limes, which are ground with a pestle. Subsequently, fish sauce or Pla Raa ( ปลาร้า ) is added. Partial and long beans ( ถั่วฝักยาว ), tomatoes and roasted peanuts are added. Sometimes it is prepared with fried pork fat, raw spinach, raw or crude coal Goabohnen. Very often it is also common with ping kai ( in Thai: Gai yang, ไก่ ย่าง - grilled chicken ) served. Carrots instead of papaya are a variation of the Western foreign, as unripe papaya are hard to get there.

The court combined the four flavors of Thai cuisine: sweet papaya, sour lime, hot chili peppers and salty fish sauce. It is served at room temperature with sticky rice.

In Laos and in Isan, the court is usually sharper and more acidic than in Central Thailand. Som Tam Lao ( also Som Tam Phu, ส้มตำ ปู ) is the name of the Laotian way of preparation: it contains fermented shrimp ( ปู ดอง in Thai), while Som Tam Thai ( ส้มตำ ไทย ) is prepared with small getrockeneten shrimp.

Som Tam works with other unripe fruits, such as mangoes ( called tam ma - muang ) and cucumbers ( tam mak Daeng ), are prepared.


  • Salad
  • Thai Food