Gretchen (given name)

Gretchen is a female first name.

Origin and Meaning

The name is a variant of Margaret. In particular, in the United States, he finds himself as a regular first name. In contrast, it is in the German speaking more a colloquial term of endearment dar. The name Gretchen was awarded in 2011 in Germany at least three times.

Famous names winners

  • Gretchen Bleiler ( born 1981 ), American professional snowboarder
  • Gretchen Dutschke - Klotz ( b. 1942 ), theologian, sociologist, student activist and wife of Rudi Dutschke
  • Gretchen Franklin (1911-2005), British actress
  • Gretchen Fraser (1919-1994), American alpine skier
  • Gretchen Magers (born 1964 ), American tennis player.
  • Gretchen Merrill (1925-1965), American figure skater
  • Gretchen Mol (born 1972 ), American actress
  • Gretchen Parlato (born 1976 ), American jazz singer
  • Gretchen Wilson (born 1973 ), American country music singer and songwriter

Fictional people

  • Gretchen in Goethe's Urfaust and Faust I (see Gretchen tragedy, Gretchen question )


  • Franz Schubert composed a work Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel to a text from Goethe's Faust.