Grimoald II of Benevento

Grimoald II, also Grimwood, († 689 ) was 687-689 Duke of Benevento.


Grimoald was the eldest son of the dux Romuald I of Benevento and his wife Theuderada, daughter of dux Lupus of Friuli.

Romuald married his son and designated successor Grimoald II with Wigilinde, the daughter of the king Perctarit and his wife Rodelinda. Hodgkin assumes that characterized the dispute between the clan of the usurper Romuald and Perctarits should be enclosed. As Romuald died 687, was Grimoald II succeeded him as dux of Benevento. His reign of three years was apparently without any significant events.

As Grimoald died in the year 689 was his younger brother Gisulf I. succeeded him as dux of Benevento.

