Ground Truth

Ground Truth ( roughly translates to " ground truth " ) referred to in the remote sensing and cartography directly through site reconnaissance on the ground received information ( soil samples, photos, vegetation determination, etc.) that are used for the analysis of aerial photographs, satellite images and other remote sensing data.

By ground truth data, it is possible to classify remote sensing data accurately. If you work only with remote sensing data, this data can be often ambiguous. For example, there could be problems in distinguishing corn fields and sunflower fields, because both remote sensing data have similar characteristic attributes. The recorded information can be therefore only assign better when the terrain has in some places on the ground truth data and can be classified as the acquired remote sensing data better with additional information.

Ground truth data, before, be added during or after Befliegungskampagne. The ground truth data is used to support the classification and validation of image data.

  • Cartography
  • Photogrammetry
  • Geoinformatics