Group of 77



The Group of 77 ( G-77 ) is a loose association of states that are counted mainly to the Third World countries.

The association was founded in 1964 during the first world trade (UNCTAD ) and now has 130 members.

From the loose association follows a relatively weak institutionalization: A ministerial meeting held annually in New York summarizes the policy decisions that are passed by a Coordinating Committee to regional subgroups in Geneva, Nairobi, Paris, Rome and Vienna.

The main objective of the G-77 is to improve the position of developing countries on the global market. Therefore, it coordinates the positions and demands of the members to achieve on world trade conferences a stronger negotiating position.

The group written joint statements on development policy and global economic issues such as the " Charter of Economic Rights in the Third World ," and start their own trade and economic policy programs, such as the " Global System of Trade Preferences Among Developing Countries " ( GSTP ).

Yugoslavia, Malta, Romania and Cyprus belonged originally to the Member States. Malta, Cyprus and Romania eliminated each of the EU accession. After the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Bosnia - Herzegovina remained the only European country to date in this group.

