
(Also called " Baden rice " ) Green core is the half-ripe harvested and immediately dehydrated grain of spelled. Originally spelled was harvested in response to periods of bad weather, which destroyed the harvest, before maturity ( in the so-called " dough stage " with about 50 % grain moisture ). Since the dried seeds, cooked with water, were tasty, the tradition to harvest a portion of the spelled grain developed as a green.

As winter cereals intended for high Grünkern Spelt is introduced at the end of July and then kilned - traditionally over a beechwood fire in or modern hot-air systems. This is the green core durable ( only about 13% grain moisture ) and receives its typical aroma. Prior to further processing of the green core must still in a peeler or a Gerbgang freed from its husks ( " tanning " of the grain ). Part of the husks is used as a filling for small cushions, which are said a healthy sleep -promoting effect. The remainder is used as cattle feed.

The main harvest season in late July found their way into vernacular proverbs, such as " Christine, Jagowi, Saint Anne is Ern! / Schneid't always kee grain, / so mer schneid't but Keern. " ( Christopher, James, Santa Anna 's harvest! / Cutting is not a grain, / so we cut but green core. )


Green core has been prepared by various reports, several hundred years ago in Southern Germany for the first time. The first mention of the green core dates from 1660, namely from a winery account of the monastery Amorbach. He was even then used as a soup. Initially, it was to dry yet the residual heat of the bakeries used. Its wide usage went up in the 1930s, where he was intent on self-sufficiency in the "Third Reich " as " German Fruit Soup " and as a substitute for grain imports from abroad. With the improved food supply in rural areas since the years of the economic miracle its spread declined, but the tradition of producing survived or was revived. But food manufacturers such as Knorr in Heilbronn (now Unilever Germany GmbH) process green core. Green core in finely ground or shredded form is still an important part of instant soups.

Growing regions

As the " home of the green core " refers to a district in northern Baden: the land. Here today have many villages on Grünkerndarren that were built because of heavy smoke outside of the local residential areas.


By Darren at 120-150 ° C on the Darrpfanne a special Grünkerndarre the green core obtained by the heat and the beechwood smoke its specific taste. High quality shows itself after Darren in an olive green color of the core. Is he on the other hand has already become brownish, so roasted, he is considered inferior. The adhesive protein of the green core is changed by the Darren. The flour made ​​from it is no longer capable back. Green core is completely broken or used in soups and as patties.
