
The Central Shaanxi level (English Central Shaanxi Plain ) or consecration or Wei - He- plane ( Wei He Pingyuan渭河 平原) - also Guanzhong - level or Guanzhong lowlands (关 中 平原Guanzhong Pingyuan, " level surface between [ the ] passports " ( opposite word order ) ) and Harrier ( Wei He) basin ( Wei He Pendi ) or Guanzhong basin ( Guanzhong Pendi ) called - is a 13,000 -square-kilometer level in the heart of China's Shaanxi province. The historic cities of Xi'an and Xianyang are in it. She is known for her old irrigation and drainage activities (see Zheng - Guo- channel) and is a major Chinese agricultural area.

In the plane, there are several Neolithic sites.

In the period of Warring between 475 BC and 221 BC, the level was the heartland of the State of Qin (秦).
