Guillermo Uribe Holguín

Guillermo Uribe Holguín ( born March 17, 1880 in Bogotá, † June 26, 1971 ) was a Colombian composer.


Holguín first studied at the Academia Nacional in Bogotá, 1903 in New York City, from 1907 at the Schola Cantorum in Paris with Vincent d' Indy composition and finally at César Thompson and Emile Chaumont in Brussels violin. From 1910 to 1935 he was director of the Conservatory of Bogotá, after which he worked as a freelance composer.

He composed an opera, eleven symphonies, a symphonic poem, three symphonic sketches, two sinfoniettas for piano and orchestra, two violin concertos, a harpsichord and a viola concerto, chamber music, a cantata, sacred music, piano works, choruses and songs. He is considered the most important Colombian composer of the 20th century.

  • Colombian composer
  • Composer of classical music ( 20th century)
  • Person (Bogotá )
  • Born in 1880
  • Died in 1971
  • Man