
Güllaç is a Turkish dessert made of thin rice leaves, soaked in boiled with sugar and milk flavored with rose water, are filled with walnuts and decorated with pomegranate seeds. It is a traditional dessert of the month of Ramadan.

Güllaç belongs to the traditional Turkish desserts, which were particularly appreciated in the palace kitchens and in the households of the upper classes of the Ottoman Empire. To date, there is very often served because of its easy digestibility during the fasting month of Ramadan.

The ingredients are straightforward, the preparation but requires some skill:

The required paper-thin rice sheets that are made ​​from rice flour, starch and water, you can buy nowadays, almost without exception done, so that the preparation in the modern household has significantly easier. For the basic recipe honey or sugar is boiled in hot milk and scented with rose water. The rice leaves, which are also called Güllaç be soaked with the milk and sprinkled with chopped walnuts. The soaked leaves are either layer by layer, like baklava, layered or rolled up individually and decorated with pomegranate seeds.

There are several variants, for example fillings with dried fruit, chopped nuts, creams or grated apples. Instead of rose water the food is sometimes flavored with vanilla bean.
