Gustav Bauernfeind

Gustav Bauernfeind ( born September 4, 1848 in Sulz am Neckar, † December 24, 1904 in Jerusalem ) was a German painter, illustrator and architect. He is considered the most famous Orientalist painters in Germany.


After studying architecture at the Polytechnic Institute in Stuttgart, he worked in the architectural office of Professor Wilhelm Bäumer and later in that of Adolph Gnauth, where he also found to painting. Bauernfeind had devoted himself in his earlier works first German local views as well as designs from Italy. A trip to the Middle East from 1880 to 1882 then awakened his love for the Orient, he traveled repeatedly in the sequence. In 1896 he moved with his wife and son all the way to Palestine and settled in Jerusalem in 1898 down. He lived and worked there as well as in Lebanon and Syria.

His work is characterized primarily by architecture and genre pictures with Palestinian motifs. Bauer enemy's specialty was meticulously crafted, intricately composed and mostly almost photographically accurate cityscapes and images of known sanctuaries in oil. In addition, he also created watercolors and landscape scenes. During his lifetime, he was the most popular East German painter, but quickly fell into obscurity after his death. Since the early 1980s, but began a gradual rediscovery of the artist, which was also reflected in auction prices. So, however, scored his oil painting The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, at an auction at Christie's in London in 1992 converted 326,000 euros, at a second auction on 27 June 2007 at Sotheby 's in London converted 4,500,000 euros. In 1997, the oil painting was The Port of Jaffa, which had been in Cologne privately owned since 1951, at the auction of 174 Cologne auction house Van Ham Fine Art Auctions for 1.510.000 DM the contract. This was at that time not only the highest ever price for a factory farmer enemy, but also the highest result for a painting of the 19th century in a German auction at all.

At his birthplace Sulz am Neckar life and work of the painter is appreciated by the local Gustav Bauernfeind museum with an extensive permanent exhibition.

Works (selection)


  • Castel Gandolfo on Lake Albano, 1864 (drawing, pencil on paper)
  • Market in Jaffa, 1887 ( oil painting )
  • The port of Jaffa, 1888 ( oil painting )
  • Street scene in Damascus, 1887 ( oil painting, 51 × 68 cm)
  • Jaffa, collect the Turkish Landwehr in Palástina, 1888 (oil paintings)
  • The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, 1890 ( oil painting, 130 × 101 cm )
  • Street in Jerusalem (Oil Painting, 109 x 82 cm)
  • The German Colony in Haifa, 1898 ( oil painting )
  • Jerusalem, view from below of the Dome of the Rock (Oil Painting, 109 x 82 cm)
  • Entrance to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem (Oil Painting, 102 x 70 cm)


  • The journey to Damascus. 1888/89. Diary of Orient painter, edited by Hugo Schmid with the collaboration of Otto Höschle, Tübingen and Basel 1996 ( ISBN 3-7720-2163-8 )