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Spindled Rübling ( Gymnopus fusipes )

The Blasssporrüblinge ( Gymnopus ) is a fungal genus in the family Schwindling relatives.

The type species is the -spindle Rübling ( Gymnopus fusipes ).


The species of this genus have a white or light cream colored spore powder. The spores are thin-walled and never dextrinoid. The hyphae of the hat skin can be knobby or branched. The fruiting bodies appear only rarely from sclerotia and are then not associated with mummified large mushrooms.


The genus includes about 300 species, of which 45 are found in Europe and expect to worldwide.

Hellhütiger Forest Friends Rübling Gymnopus aquosus

Common Forest Friends Rübling Gymnopus dryophilus

Rotstieliger Rübling Gymnopus erythropus

Gymnopus lanipes

Lush Rübling Gymnopus luxurians

Burning Rübling Gymnopus peronatus

Zimtrötlicher Rübling Gymnopus putillus

Ecology and significance

The Blasssporrüblinge live as Bodensaprobionten in the deciduous and coniferous litter. The -spindle Rübling is considered harmful fungus on oak trees.

