
Habromys is a living in Central America rodent genus of the group of the New world. It is closely related to the Weißfußmäusen ( Peromyscus ) and includes six species.

The fur of these animals is colored gray-brown to black-brown at the top, the belly and feet are white. They reach a body length 8-14 inches and a tail length of 9-15 cm. Of the Weißfußmäusen this genus differs by the shorter penis bones and other details in the reproductive tract.

The animals of this genus live mainly in southern Mexico, only one kind, H. lophurus is spread to El Salvador. Their habitat is forests in the mid to higher elevations.

Over the life of these animals one hardly knows anything. Many species are known only from a small area here and are considered rare.

Six types are distinguished:

  • Habromys Chinanteco lives in the north of the state of Oaxaca.
  • Habromys delicatulus was first described in 2002. It is known only from a small area in the state of México.
  • Habromys ixtlani comes in northwestern Oaxaca ago and is only since 2002 as an independent art
  • Habromys lepturus is also located only in the northern Oaxaca.
  • Habromys lophurus is spread from southeastern Mexico to El Salvador.
  • Habromys simulatus is from Veracruz ( State) distributed in eastern Mexico to Oaxaca. The total population of this species is estimated to be less than 2500 animals, the IUCN lists the species as endangered ( endangered ).