
Hadad, Baal - Hadad ( "Lord of Thunder " ) or Hadadrimmon is a Syro- Phoenician deity corresponding to the Akkadian god Adad. He is a vegetation, storm, storm, wind, thunder and weather god.

Appearance and Attributes

His surname is Rammon ( " Thunderer, screamer, resentment Closer" ), which in Hebrew to Rimmon ( " pomegranate " ) disfigured wurde.Als god of fertility, it can also bring drought and destruction. Hadad is the supreme deity of the Syrian pantheon and chief god of Damascus. Together with his wife and his son Atargatis Simios it forms a divine triad. The god had places of worship in Ashur, Damascus, Aleppo, Dura- Europos and Zincirli. His attributes are Taurus, thunderbolt and ax. His sacred number is six. Epithet frequently used are " Cloud Rider " and " Lord of the earth." His residence is Mount Sapan (or Sapon ), which is why it is also called Baal - Sapon (or Baal Sapan ). He is considered the deceased and reborn god. His cult was connected with numerous rites of mourning and wailing in the winter, which was considered his death, joy and festivals in the summer, where he was born again.

Hadad in the Bible

Hadad found in the Bible and input is mentioned there in two places. Firstly, in the Book of Kings, on the other, in the book of Zechariah. In the second book of Kings is told of Naaman, an Aramaic army leader who is plagued by leprosy. This applies to the prophet Elisha, who advises him to take a bath in the river Jordan and hiding there seven times. Then Naaman is healed of his illness. Naaman it recognizes Yahweh as the only God and thanks him. At the same time he asks him to continue before Rimmon, the god of his king to be allowed to kneel to the bill, as this with his arm supported at the Temple visit on Naaman on his shoulder. This allows him Yahweh. ( 2 Kings 5:17 f) In the book of Zechariah is of the mourning suits Hadad - Rimmon the speech that are based on its annual death and the associated death of vegetation in winter and are criticized by the prophet Hosea at this point. ( Sar 12:11)

Aramaic kings as Hadadezer ( " Hadad is help "; 2 Sam 8:3) and Ben- Hadad ( " son of Hadad ", 1 Kings 15:18, 2 Kings 6:24) and Edom (1 Kings 11, 14.19,21 ) have been named after Hadad.
