Hadrurus arizonensis

Hairy desert scorpion ( Hadrurus arizonensis )

The Hairy desert scorpion or Big Texas Scorpio ( Hadrurus arizonensis Ewing, 1928) is particularly in the southwest of North America ( Sonoran Desert ) widespread. With up to 15 cm body length, it is the largest scorpion in the U.S. and one of the 8-9 living there Hadrurus species. Thanks to this size, it is possible for him to prey on other scorpions and even small lizards and snakes. Vibrissae and special sense organs allow the scorpions to perceive vibrations caused by potential prey from a distance of up to 30 cm.

These scorpions prefer semi-dry and dry steppe and desert areas and hide in the day under rocks or in self-dug burrows. To be as surrounded by optimum humidity, the depth of his burrows varies with the groundwater level of the soil. In midsummer, the animals dig up to 2.5 meters deep.

Painful stings by the Hairy desert scorpion and the part of the body swells, further complications arise mostly only by an appropriate disposition of the person concerned. The animals are in comparison to other species as little aggressive towards humans.
