Halden Hound

  • Group 6: Run Scent hounds and related breeds
  • Section 1: Hounds
  • With working trial


Stockpile pad, heap hound, Halden - Stövare

Males: 52-60 cm, ideal 56 cm Bitches: 50-58 cm, ideal 54 cm

No details

The Haldenstøver is one of the FCI (No. 267, Gr. 6, sec 1.2) recognized Norwegian breed.

Origin and History

The first mention is in 1895 found in Beckmann, who referred to the dumps as the only Norwegian Bracke, other names were Norsk Stöfvae, Hare or Rävehund. As it developed into the Halden took place, is no longer out probably were English Foxhound with crossed. It is clear that the pure breeding started in southern Norway Halden. First recognized in 1950, was the race close to extinction. Thanks to painstaking breeding work less enthusiast he is now more likely to see again.


The colors of the dogs are white with black markings, tan shades with a coat that is rough, very tight and straight, with a dense undercoat. Medium drop ears complete the picture.


The Haldenstøver place as a hunting and companion dog use.
