Half crown (British coin)

Half Crown ( half a crown ) was the English name for the coin to 2 ½ shillings; which corresponded to the eighth of a pound.

The first Half- Crowns were in 1549 during the reign of Edward VI. coined. It was only after 1893 bore the name value Half Crown coins. The coin had a weight of 14.138 g your fine content was initially 925/1000, from 1920 only have 500 /1000 sec. 1947 silver coin was replaced by a copper-nickel coin. In 1967, the last Half Crowns coined. With a value of 12.5 new pence 1971 they met none of the newly introduced coins of the decimal system and have therefore been withdrawn from circulation before conversion one year.


Back of a Half- Crown coin from 1953.

  • British coin
  • Silver coin