Haltwhistle Burn

The Haltwhistle Burn near its confluence with the South Tyne

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Haltwhistle Burn is a river east of Haltwhistle in Northumbria in England.

The river originates in an area north of Hadrian 's Wall which consists of the typical Northumbrian rock layers of limestone, sandstone, shale, and coal, and is crossed by numerous small streams that are unnamed in large part. The Caw Burn and the Pont Gallon Burn are the two longer clearly identifiable sources of the Haltwhistle Burn.

The Haltwhistle Burn is south of Hadrian 's Wall surrounded by numerous Roman camps and has dug in this area in the rock layers and has an easy access to these. So lime was gebrandt and also coal and thus the developing carbon Eisenstein mined and processed at the burn.

The Haltwhistle Burn flows south of Haltwhistle in the South Tyne.


  • River system Tyne (England)
  • River in Europe
  • River in England
  • Geography ( Northumberland )