Halyzia sedecimguttata

Sechzehnfleckiger Ladybug ( Halyzia sedecimguttata )

Called The Sechzehnfleckige Ladybug ( Halyzia sedecimguttata ), or Sechzehnfleckiger mushroom ladybug, a beetle of the family of ladybug is ( Coccinellidae ).


The beetles are five to seven millimeters long, the body is oval shaped, rather than round stretched and arched. Your entire body has a light brown color on the top and bottom, only the compound eyes are black. On the elytra there are eight white spots, of which in some specimens also what may be missing the elytra seam is fine provided on both sides with a light longitudinal line. On the pronotum, which usually covers the head, located on both outer sides of a whitish spot. The equally light brown antennae are quite long and thicken slightly at the end.

Similar Species

  • Light Ladybug ( Calvia decemguttata )
  • Zwölffleckiger mushroom Ladybug ( Vibidia duodecimguttata )


The beetles are present throughout the Palaearctic, quite widespread except in the far north. They live in deciduous forests and thickets of low areas up to slightly mountainous heights. Sometimes they are also found in coniferous forests. They fly from April to October.

Way of life

The diurnal as well as nocturnal animals usually sit on leaves from which they erode the mildew. Since they thereby partially damage of the plant, eg can avert by fungus, they are regarded by gardeners as beneficial. Only in the spring the female lays the eggs in the vegetation. The larvae lead a similar lifestyle as the adult beetles. From the Dolls, which usually depend on plants down, slip the finished beetles. These overwinter in leaf litter.


The Sechzehnfleckige ladybug should be able to predict the hardness of winter. He Winters in a knothole or under the bark of a tree, so the winter is mild, it buries itself in the foliage on the ground, the winter will be hard.
