Hamate bone

  • E Trapezium ( trapezium )
  • 1 spoke ( radius) 2 Elle ( ulna ) 3 metacarpal bones ( metacarpals )

The hamate bone (Latin hamate, Os carpal quartum ) is one of the eight carpal bones and belongs to the distal (distal) series of short bones.

It has, on the palm of the hand ( palmar) a small hook ( hamulus ), which is to the side (lateral ) is curved and which is easily felt through the skin. The hamate bone is connected to the short Kleinfingerbeuger ( flexor digiti minimi brevis ) and the bond between pisiform ( pisiform ) and hamate bone ( ligament pisohamatum ) in relationship. Body remote ( distal) is the pisiform bone with the fourth and fifth metacarpal bone ( metacarpal IV and metacarpal V) in an articulated connection. Laterally it is connected to the head bone (os capitatum ), body- and middle ( medial) with the triangular bone (os triquetrum ), distally and laterally with the lunate ( lunate ) in conjunction.
