Hans Hækkerup

Hans Hækkerup ( born December 3, 1945 in Frederiksberg, † 22 December 2013 ) was a Danish social democratic politician. He was the son of the politician by Hækkerup and Grete Hækkerup and studied political science in Copenhagen.

Hækkerup sat from 1979 to 1981 and from 1984 to 2001 in the Danish Parliament the Folketing. Hækkerup convinced the Social Democrats of an active role in Denmark's foreign and security policy. The land had previously been isolated by the so-called ' footnote policy' of the 1980s within NATO; 1991 voted his party into a post to the Second Gulf War.

From 25 January 1993 to 21 December 2000, he starred in four cabinets as defense minister under Poul Nyrup Rasmussen. During his tenure, the participation of Denmark in the protection of the United Nations force ( UNPROFOR ) in the former Yugoslavia falls. He also campaigned in the framework of NATO 's eastward expansion for inclusion of the Baltic countries, which could be realized in 2004. Hækkerup gave up his ministerial office to guide from January to December 2001 as the UN Special Envoy, the UN civilian administration in Kosovo (United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, UNMIK). After the first free elections, he resigned.

Hans Hækkerup was married his first wife, Lise Hækkerup. The second wife Susanne Rumohr Hækkerup is Danish Ambassador to Mexico, where Hækkerup died as a result of multiple system atrophy.
