Hans Rudi Erdt

Hans Rudi Erdt ( born March 31, 1883 in Benediktbeuren, † May 24, 1925 in Berlin from tuberculosis ) was a lithographer and commercial artist and alongside Ludwig Hohl wine, Lucian Bernhard, Ernst German - Dryden, Julius Gipkens, Julius Klinger and Paul Scheurich, Lucian Zabel one of the most important representatives of German poster art between 1906 and 1918.

Life and work

After training as a lithographer, he visited several private schools in Munich and was then master student of Maximilian Dasio at the Munich School of Applied Arts. He created his first posters 1906. 1908 drew Erdt to Berlin, where he immediately joined the group working on behalf of the printing Hollerbaum and poster artist Bernhard Schmidt, Klinger, Scheurich, Gipkens and German. Here he designed his impressive posters among other things for the cigarette companies and Manoli problem. In 1911, he created his most important perhaps poster for the company Opel. During the First World War, he drew numerous political posters, including propaganda films to the German High Command.

An important principal for Erdt were the cigarette companies Batschari in Baden -Baden, and Mahala problem - Cigarettes for which he Listings - for example, published in the journal "Youth" - but also designed posters. An approximately 1915 published Erdt catalog of his work samples documented many designs for Batschari. At the same time this is the only monographic publication on Earth T, who has appeared before his untimely death in 1925.

