
The term hardgainer ( German as laborious Zunehmer ) referred to in the field of bodybuilding individuals whose metabolism may exceptionally bad utilize the ingested food, especially carbohydrates. The opposite of this type is sometimes referred to as soft Gain. Rather applicable and also find the term Easy gainer, so someone who can quickly determine body weight.


Hardgainer take the uptake of large quantities of food are very difficult to put on weight. One hand, this has a positive effect, as the hardgainer hardly creates fat. On the other hand, new muscles will be very difficult gained. Remedy can provide a balanced diet, in particular the high value placed on the increased gain valuable carbohydrates. Hardgainers are generally popularly often wrongly referred to as people with good metabolism, since only the superficial effect of bad fatty tissue is registered.

Easy Gainer

As Easy Gainer, sometimes erroneously referred to as soft Gainer, people are described that pretty quickly gain weight while addition of small quantities of food. For this type, it is easy to build muscle mass, but it also quickly built up fat deposits, especially in carbohydrate intake. Therefore, to avoid soft Gainer excessive intake of carbohydrates and put their focus on the intake of protein-rich foods.


The simple division into hardware and Easy Gainer is particularly common in the hobby sports and fitness and nutrition consultants and have nothing to do with sound science. Ingo Froböse indicates that the transition of metabolism is continuously and each " in either direction develop " could.


  • Magazine of the Society for Nutrition Research ( pdf, 445 kB)
  • Hardgainer, what is it?