Hasenbach (Zwiefalter Aach)

The Hasenbach to the Wimsener waterfalls

Parts of the Wimsener Waterfalls at Hasenbach

The Hasenbach is about two kilometers long, left tributary of the Zwiefalter Aach in Baden- Württemberg.


Hasenbach source

The Hasenbach arises from a productive karst spring west of Hayingen. The source is located in the Glastal below the glass cave on lambs stone. There are around the rock at various locations source spills. From the Lower Jurassic Felsenkalk of the spring water comes to light. The bed varies between 1 l / s and 500 l / s


The Hasenbach flows through the Glastal, where he will divide repeatedly and sometimes dammed. It flows past the honor rock castle on the Wimsener waterfalls. There he divided several times and passed some giant steps. At the Wimsener cave it flows a few meters after their origin in the Zwiefalter Aach.
