Hatt's vesper rat

The Yucatán vesper rat ( Otonyctomys hatti ) is a living in Central America rodent species from the group of the New world.

Yucatán vesper rats reach a body length 10-12 cm and a tail length of 10 to 13 centimeters, the weight is around 30 grams. The coat is reddish- brown on the upper side, white on the flanks light brown and the belly. The ears are scantily provided with hair. From the closely related vesper rat, it differs in the much redder fur and details in the structure of the skull.

These animals live on the Yucatán Peninsula in eastern Mexico, northern Guatemala, and northern Belize.

Little is known about their way of life. They should live in trees and rarely come to the ground and are probably nocturnal. Maybe they eat fruit, because two animals were caught in traps, which were provided with bananas as bait. Even on the level of risk, little is known, the IUCN lists them as not at risk.

Apart from the closely related rat Vespers it is in the scheme of the New world largely isolated. It is classified in the subfamily of Tylomyinae, but this is uncertain.
