HD 2638

HD 2638 is an approximately 175 light years from Earth in the constellation Cetus distant star with an apparent magnitude of 9.4 mag. In 2005, a companion to the star, HD 2638 b, detected.

Data of the star

The star from the sun is 175.18 light years away (about 53.71 parsecs ). He belongs to the spectral class G5 and is therefore the sun very similar. HD 2638 has about 93 percent of the Sun's mass and 67 percent of the solar radius. Its surface has a temperature of about 5190 Kelvin, its metallicity is [Fe / H] = 0.16 ± 0.05 ( 1.44 times the sun). The expected life of the star is over 12 billion years.

Data of exoplanets

HD 2638 b was from Geneva team for the study of extrasolar planets ( Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search) discovered using the radial velocity method in 2005 and is a typical, his sun orbiting in a close orbit "hot Jupiter". Its distance to the star is about one-twentieth of the distance Sun - Earth (0.044 astronomical units ). For an orbiting it takes about 3.5 days, a mass of at least 0.48 Jupiter masses.
