Heckler (comics)

The Heckler (Eng. The heckler, intermediate radio operator ) was the title of a comic book series of the U.S. publisher DC Comics published between 1992 and 1993.

The Heckler was published between September 1992 and March 1993, reaching a total of six issues. The series was written by Keith Giffen and the author designed by the artists Tom and Mary Bierbaum visually.


In the center of the plot of The Heckler is Stuart " Stu " Moseley, the owner of a diner called " Eats " in the fictional town of Delta City. Moseley - a hero in the tradition of the Picaros the picaresque novels - survives miraculously, despite or precisely because he has no special abilities except his worldly-wise smarts even the irregular situation in which he gets " heroic " activities in the course of his.

In a comprehensive parody of classic superhero themes puts the " stern master ," as Moseley is called during his heroes tours, with criminals which, in turn, the concept of super-villains by excessive exaggerations classic super villains attributes ( flash costuming, pointless and self-destructive monologues etc. ) ad absurdum. Next he is swallowed by a monster and plunged into the abyss.

Owes its success to the Heckler doing his pesky, sarcastic nature and the excessive use of vulgar language (!), To a certain extent his " super powers ".

The round of spoof -characters is rounded off in the other by an unnamed assistant who accompanied the Heckler on his adventures, François, the chef at Eats, Mr. Dude, hecklers main informants in reference to a popular conspiracy theory, the new identity of its only feigning death Elvis Presley is, the competing superhero X - Ms, the gang leader boss Glitter, the ultra-conservative television host PC Rabid, Bushwack'r always go one the Wile E. Coyote of the Road Runner cartoons that made fun of receiving a bounty hunter whose attacks on the Heckler backwards, El Gusano a worm-like assassin, the Cosmic Clown, an Android in clown costume, the philosophical John Doe and C'est Hay a psychopathic serial killer.

  • DC Comics