Heinrich Schwabe

Samuel Heinrich Schwabe ( born October 25, 1789 in Dessau, † April 11, 1875 ) was a German astronomer and botanist. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Schwabe ".


Schwabe 1806 left the school to become a pharmacist. He studied from 1809 pharmacy, chemistry, botany and physics in Berlin. In 1811 he returned to Dessau, to take over the pharmacy of his grandfather. Following the sale of Pharmacy ( 1829) Schwabe devoted himself exclusively to the natural sciences.

In 1825 he became interested in astronomy. He discovered 1843, the eleven-year Sonnenfleckenperiodizität, was at that time, however, by a period of 10 years from. According to him, hence the Schwabe cycle was named. Through its publications Alexander von Humboldt was attentive to him and visited Schwabe in 1833 in his observatory.

In 1838 he published the Flora Anhaltina, a comprehensive work on the flora of his native country Anhalt. Also noteworthy is his herbarium of plants of his trips abroad and from the Dessau parks.

In 1841 he married Ernestine Amalie Moldenhauer.

In 1857 he received the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society.
