Heka (god)

In Egyptian mythology, Heka was the personification of magic in ancient Egypt.

Name / Appearance

In the Old Kingdom, he is seen as a human -faceted God with arms hanging down and ankh symbol and bar. His name is that of the deceased, who speaks to the deities by Heka. In addition is is in two Hem - netjer titles of the Old Kingdom Hekas name.

The hieroglyph for his name featured two intertwined strands twisted flat. In its design, the hieroglyph also allows the interpretation to fit together two twisted snakes would hover over the arms of a person.

As a result, Heka was rumored to have fought against two snakes and both defeated. Why are pictorial representations of Heka, as he strangled two serpents twisted. Medicine and the activities of healers were considered as a form of magic, so that the priesthood of Heka dealt with medicine and healing rites.


According to the interpretation as the creator of Ka Heka was said to be the son of Atum, which you saw as a creator of things in general. Occasionally, Heka was seen as the son of Khnum, who was regarded as the creator of Ba, another aspect of the soul in Egyptian mythology. In the aspect of Heka -pa - chered he was the son of Khnum in Esna and Menhit.
