Helen Epstein

Helen Epstein ( born 1947 in Prague) is an American writer.


Epstein was born in Prague, the child of Czechoslovak Holocaust survivors who emigrated to the United States after the Communist takeover in 1948. Her father was the Olympian Kurt Epstein. She grew up in New York City and attended the Hunter College High School there. She then studied musicology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

In 1971 she graduated from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. There, their long friendship began with the cultural critic Margo Jefferson. After graduation Epstein worked freelance for various magazines such as The National Jewish Monthly and The Sunday New York Times. Her first cover story she wrote about the musician Ed Birdwell. For her work on the art historian Meyer Schapiro and well-known musicians such as Vladimir Horowitz, Leonard Bernstein and Yo- Yo Ma her many awards were presented.

Epstein coined the term "second generation after the Holocaust " sustainable.

She lives with her ​​husband and two sons in the vicinity of Boston.

Works on German

  • Triple homeless. Diana, Munich / Zurich 1998, ISBN 3-8284-5016-4.
  • The musical spark. Scherz, 1988, ISBN 3-502-18180-2.
  • The children of the Holocaust. C. H. Beck, 1987, ISBN 3-406-32047-3.