Helmut Metzner

Helmut Metzner ( born September 15, 1925 in Osnabrück, † September 20, 1999 in Tübingen ) was a German plant physiologist and professor.

Life and work

Metzner studied at the Universities of Münster and Göttingen, Biology, Physics and Physical Chemistry. He graduated in 1950 with a dissertation on " Electrochemical measurements on unstimulated plant cells " from. After a period of research in 1952 in Berkeley, California, with Melvin Calvin, he worked as an assistant at the Botanical Institute of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, where he occupied himself with the study of chloroplasts. After working at the University of Göttingen, he habilitated there with the study of "change of leaf proteins in photoperiodic induction."

In 1961 Metzner a professorship at the University of Tübingen, where he was founding director of the 1964 Institute for Chemical Plant Physiology. His main area of ​​research there was initially photosynthesis. In addition, he has been since 1981, is committed to the reasoning of the country funded by the Baden -Württemberg and the federal government training course "Ecology and its biological basis ." At this service training course was attended by more than 6,000 people. Ultimately, this facility led to the founding of the European Academy for the Environment in Tübingen, whose president Metzner was, until his death in 1999.

Together with Hans Karl Filbinger, Günter Rohrmoser, Heinz Karst and Erich Baumann founded Metzner 1979, the right-wing study center Weikersheim in whose presidency he worked until 1995.

Metzner 1995 organized an international climate conference, which decided the Leipzig Declaration. This criticizes the objectives of the UN Framework Convention on Climate unrealistic and denies an empirical basis of global warming, as well as the relationship between carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect.

1993 Metzner became Professor Emeritus. In 1999, he died in Tübingen.

Metzner was the editor of the magazine " Photobiochemistry and Photophysics " and co-editor of " Photosynthetica ".

