Henno Martin

Henno Martin ( born March 15, 1910 in Freiburg im Breisgau, † January 7, 1998 in Göttingen ) was a German geologist.


Henno Martin left Germany in 1935 as a fresh PhD in geologist with his friend and colleague Hermann Korn and traveled without research commissioned by government or official in the territory of the former German colony of German South West Africa, at that time the Mandate of South West Africa under the administration of the Union of South Africa (now Namibia). In Walvis Bay landed, explored the two geologists water resources for farmers.

After the beginning of World War II, he had - like other German South West Africa in - for fear of being arrested as an enemy alien and interned. For this reason, he fled with Hermann Korn, 1940 in the desert to the Kuiseb Canyon west of Windhoek, where the two and a half years led a primitive hunter existence and were hiding from the police and locals. Martin's fight for survival in the desert describes his book If there is war, we go to the desert.

After two and a half years of adventure that had to finish the two because of a vitamin deficiency disease grain, he was arrested on his return to civilization, but came rapidly because of its apolitical stance released and was hired by the South West African Mandate government in the Water Board, where he continued his search continued after water resources.

Henno Martin worked for the Geological Survey of the Republic of South Africa and was a professor at the University of Cape Town. 1958 to 1960 he was a visiting professor in São Paulo ( Brazil). He took 1965 a reputation as a professor of geology at the University of Göttingen.

The Geological Association awarded Henno Martin 1980, Gustav- Steinmann Medal in recognition of his seminal work about becoming and breakup of the Gondwana continent which much about the mechanics of old and young Globaltektonik advanced knowledge.


  • If there is war, we go to the desert. Union German publishing company, Stuttgart 1956. Reprint: Two Books, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-935453-00-4