Henri Mondor

Henri Mondor ( born May 20, 1885 in Saint -Cernin, Cantal, † April 6, 1962 in Neuilly -sur -Seine, Hauts -de -Seine département ) was a French surgeon and historian of literature. He was also a member of the Académie française and Grand Officier de la Légion d' Honneur.


The son of a primary school teacher attended the Lycée Emile Duclaux Aurillac.


Henri Mondor is the namesake of the University Hospital CHU Is located Henri Mondor, Créteil, Henri Mondor Hospital Centre hospitalier in Aurillac and a homonymous square on the Boulevard Saint- Germain in Paris, which before the University René Descartes with his medical school (L' École de Médecine ).

Furthermore named phlebitis of the chest wall after the first describer as Mondor 's disease ( Mondor 's disease Syn ).
