Henri Pintens

Henri Pintens ( dates unknown ) was a Belgian Tauzieher. At the Summer Olympics in 1920 in the north of Belgium Antwerp Pintens won together with Edouard Bourguignon, Alphonse Ducatillon, Rémy Maertens, Christian Piek, Charles Van Den Broeck, François Van Hoorenbeek and Gustave Wuyts the bronze medal in last Tauziehwettbewerb the Olympic Games.

In the 17th and on August 18, 1920 held competition (officially called Lutte à la Corde ) joined the eight-man team to probably in the first match against the U.S. team. It is only known that Pintens and his team were able to prevail against the North Americans. Probably the second duel took place against the eventual Olympic champion from the United Kingdom. The official Olympic report states that the British team at the City of London Police by 29.4 and 38 seconds with 2-0 won against Belgium. Henk Janssen indicates that the Belgians would then refrain from pulling against the Dutch team to the silver medal; by the withdrawal of Italy was the Belgians to Pintens winning the bronze medal already secure. The Dutch were finally able to convince them of a drag to silver or bronze, the Belgian team. After 63.4 and 123 seconds, the Dutch decided the duel 2-0 for itself, so Pintens won the Olympic bronze medal.
