Henry House Hill

Henry Hill ( Henry House Hill ) is a small hill northwest of Manassas Junction, Virginia.

He played a significant role in the first and second battle of Bull Run during the American Civil War.

The hill takes its beginning near the road from Centerville, Virginia, after Warrenton, Virginia, today's U.S. Federal Highway 29 ( Warrenton Turnpike ), from where the ground to the south rises slowly but constant over a length of about 730 meters. The north side of the hill was covered sporadically at the time of slaughter of trees, but consisted mainly of open grassland. The southern side was relatively closely covered with trees. The hill got its name from Dr. Isaac Henry, who lived with his family in a house on the plateau of the hill. At the time of the battle the house of his widow, Judith Henry and their two semi- invalids sons was inhabited. The 84 -year-old refused despite the raging battles in the immediate vicinity, to leave her house and died in her hospital bed when a projectile of the Union artillery slammed into her bedroom.

38.814722222222 - 77.522777777778Koordinaten: 38 ° 48 ' 53 "N, 77 ° 31' 22 " W

  • Civil War
  • Prince William County
  • Geography (Virginia)