Hexagram (I Ching)

The sixty-four hexagrams are the 64 combinations (Chinese易经/ Zhou Yi易经, Pinyin Yijing, also周易, ) can be formed, resulting from the two basic elements of the oracles book I Ching. The basic elements are the interrupted () and the solid () line (爻, Yao ). To a combination of six such elements are summarized.

Are also common observation that each hexagram is made up of two trigrams. The principle of hexagrams (Greek: six Written ) is similar to the binary number system, but with a completely different logic of the sort order.

Unicode representation

The following table contains the hexagrams according to the Unicode block I Ching hexagrams ( 4DC0 - 4DFF ) "Character "; since these glyphs without a corresponding character set installed on the computer but can not be displayed, they are also shown under "Image".

In addition, it still shows how the hexagram is made ​​up of two trigrams; usually this is shown in the stroke order from bottom to top, so you can change the Trigrammnummern under " uo " in that order. In addition, the two trigrams involved are shown as images; time the order is reversed, first comes the upper trigram. In the small figure to the right (in addition to the large table ) is shown which is of the many possible numbering systems used to herein trigrams.

This table complements other table views, which can be found in Articles I Ching and Unicode Block I Ching hexagrams.


Dual arrangement according to pairs of opposites

The I-Ching hexagrams are counted in a fixed order of 1 to 64, which is also reflected in the sequence of code points in the Unicode block of the I Ching hexagrams. The explanation of the sequence is (, , teachings of the arrangement '序卦) indicated only in speculative Xugua.

It is an arrangement by pairs of opposites in terms of strokes or trigrams from which the hexagrams are formed. It can be seen that each hexagram (for example, 3屯) with its inverted- image forms a pair whose individual images are sequentially (for example, 4蒙). If a picture with his Vice sweeping picture is the same ( for example, 61中孚), followed by the complementary image (for example, 62小 过). However, no rule for Hexagrammnummern throughout reveals itself in the various Anordnungsmatrizen, completely independent of the system according to which the trigrams are sorted involved.

Here again is compiled, which hexagrams result from the combination of two trigrams. The numbering system for the trigrams is the same as stated above, after the dual structure.

Conventional ranking

Also in the conventional ranking of the Trigrams, according to the four pairs of opposites, no system can be seen in the numbering sequence of the hexagram matrix.

Ranking according to the Mawangdui editorial

The Mawangdui (Chinese马王堆/马王堆, Pinyin Mǎwángduī ) I Ching has a different order (see I Ching # Historic sequences ). Here, these group-oriented arrangement is shown both by Hexagrammnummern, as well as in pictures. The upper trigram within a group remains the same, the lower trigram replaced after a certain sequence always cyclically so that each group begins with a " double image " of twice the same trigram.
