Hey, That's My Fish!

Game of the Year 2006: Recommendation List Game of the Year 2006: Games Hit for families Dutch Games Award 2006: Nominated Japan Boardgame Prize 2006: Best Foreign Board Game

Pack ice at the pole is a tactical board game of Alvydas Jakeliunas and Günter Cornett. It first appeared in 2003 when the publisher as bamboo Pingvinas. In 2005, the game was released by Dutch games publisher Phalanx Games in different languages ​​( German: pack ice at the Pole, Dutch: Pinguïn, English: HEY That's My Fish at Mayfair Games! ). Later, it was still sold in many other languages ​​(eg Spanish: Pingüinos & Cia at Devir, Finnish / Swedish: PingWin at Lautapelit.fi, French: Pingouin ).

2008, a new version was released with plastic figures modeled as penguins! Deluxe!.

Game play

On a square- like structure of hexagonal ice floes, each with one to three fish depicted on the players place first in turn depending on the number of players from two to four separate penguins on any 1 Fish Plaice. If all the penguins are used, in turn, each player draws one of his penguins arbitrarily far in a straight line and receives the soil on which he stood before. Fields with other penguins and gaps with previously removed clods are not skipped or walked on. The game ends when no more players can draw, the player wins on the collected floes with the most fish.


Despite the child-friendly theme and the presentation pack ice at the pole on the structure of the starting position, thus a time before the first player action game with perfect information and perfect happiness free and as such a strategic space raffle for two players not unlike the Go. The blockade of thought and the "Securing " of areas play a crucial role.
