Hiking (sailing)

By riding the trim of a sail boat, so the best possible adjustment of the sail with respect to desired speed and wind direction, improved by the use of the body weight of the team.

When riding on a bigger yacht positioned the whole or part of the boat's crew on the windward boat edge to counteract the heeling and to keep their body weight by the sailboat upright.

Because of the lack of ballast keel the riding mainly on dinghies is necessary to keep this sword boats in an optimal position and to prevent capsizing. The sailor hangs with his feet in a hiking straps so that it can lean out the upper body far beyond the boat edge. The sometimes padded hiking straps are attached to the bottom of the cockpit and are similar in material and appearance of the seat belts in automobiles.

In certain keelboat classes such as the Monas or the Fighter fold Ausreitsitze are attached in order to continue to shift the body weight conditions Luv can. This type of Ausreitens is back friendly compared to the variant with the hiking straps on dinghies.

Another technique to sail a boat upright, the trapeze sailing so-called.

  • Sailing