Himalayan pika

Ochotona himalayana is a mammal of the family of pikas among lagomorphs. Its distribution area is limited to the northern edge of the Himalayas in the Chinese province of Xizang ( Tibet Autonomous Region ).


Ochotona himalayana is a relatively large pika. It reaches a body length of 14.0 to 18.6 inches. He has a dull gray coat on his back and is characterized by reddish-brown to brown coloration on the head and shoulders. Important features for the differentiation of Ochotona roylei concern the skull morphology, especially the lack of windows in the skull frontal bone.


The distribution area of Ochotona himalayana runs along the northern boundary of the Himalayas in the Chinese province of Xizang ( Tibet Autonomous Region ). It is unclear whether the species occurs also in Nepal.

Ochotona himalayana lives on the edges of coniferous forests on screes, rock walls and steep slopes of the Himalayas at altitudes of 2400-4200 meters.

Way of life

Over the life of this pikas are very few information. Its main activity is in the morning and at dusk. It feeds generalist plants. Litters consist of three to four pups.


Ochotona himalayana was assigned as an independent species the pikas ( genus Ochotona ), the species status was confirmed by molecular studies. Originally introduced him roylei as a subspecies of Ochotona.

Threats and conservation

The species is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN) due to their large distribution area and the lack of a known threat as not at risk ( least concern ). However, there are no data on the size of the stock or to the stock trend.

