Himberg (Swabian Alb)

The Himberg ( 853.8 m above sea level. NHN ) is a mountain on the south-western Swabian Alb in Jungingen in Zollernalbkreis within the boundaries of the district Albstadter Onstmettingen.

The mountain is located south of Jungingen the escarpment, the northern edge of the Swabian Alb to the Killertal. He is on the Swabian Alb - North - edge way of Jungingen from accessing or killer on a path from the south-east and by the Alb plateau forth across the Raichberg at Albstadt- Onstmettingen. The lookout on the escarpment Himbergs offers a look into the Killertal, for Raichberg and Hohenzollern Castle.
