
As the sky Letters certain texts are referred to that are supposed extraterrestrial or divine origin.

For heaven 's letters are partly to texts on leaflets calling for the sanctification of Sunday. There are also ancient literary evidence for heaven letters. So is reported that a letter was sent from God himself written in gold letters and delivered miraculously from Archangel Michael. Anyone who carries a copy of this letter with you or kept in his house shall be protected from bad weather, overcome all enemies and regain God's favor. Pregnant women should be able to hope for a happy birth. In the Middle Ages sky letters were particularly prevalent. Even in the 20th century they were sold, often in the form of images arc. Both Catholics and Protestants used it as a house blessing.

The origin of the heavens letters lies in the ancient world. In its Christian form, they date back to the 6th century.

Heaven Letters must be distinguished from the so-called letters to heaven. With them is Bitt and letter of thanks, which were deposited by the faithful in places of worship.
