
Hine -nui -te- po ( The Great lady of the night ) is in the mythology of the Maori goddess of night and death and the ruler of the underworld. She is the daughter of Tāne who fled to the underworld after she realized that she was married to her father.

All children of Rangi and Papa, the divine parents Father Sky and Mother Earth were male. It was Tāne, who had the first desire for a woman. His mother showed him how he can shape from red earth woman. Then blew Tāne life in Hine - ahuone, the woman - from - earth, and slept with her. Their child was Hine -ata - Uira, girl -des- afterglow, and Tāne took this daughter to wife.

One day, while Tāne was on my way, wondering Hine -ata - Uira, who her father was. Horrified, she noticed that her husband was also her father and fled to the underworld. Tāne followed her and tried to persuade them to return. But Hine, Hine - nui-te now -Po, goddess of the underworld, said to him, "Go back and pull our children. I'll wait here and I will take delivery. "So Tāne returned back to Earth and Hine remained in the Underworld, where she waited on Maui, who brought the mortality of the people and thus the never-ending procession of mortals in the underworld.

Maui tried to make mankind immortal, by trying to crawl between the legs in the sleeping Hine -nui - te-po to come out through the mouth. But at the sight aroused the laughter of a bird, the fan tail, Hine -nui -te- po and Maui burst into her vagina. So Maui was the first person who died.
