Hipólito Yrigoyen

Juan Hipólito del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Yrigoyen Alem ( born July 12, 1852 in Buenos Aires, † July 3, 1933 ) was twice President of Argentina. As a member of the Radical Party ( Unión Cívica Radical ) he was in 1916 elected president. His first presidency ended in 1922. In 1928 he was re-elected President in 1930 and overthrown by a military coup.

Political career


Hipólito Yrigoyen came from the resulting around the turn of the century middle class. The Radical Party, to which he belonged, was an opposition movement to the traditional political system of domination of the landed oligarchy. She came to power in 1916, as was first elected in Argentine history by universal suffrage for men.

Political legitimacy Yrigoyen secured by the - sometimes violent - Integration of the Argentine working class and middle class. In foreign policy, he supported the Mexican Revolution and denounced the presence of U.S. Marines in Nicaragua.

In 1922, he was succeeded by his intra-party rivals Marcelo de Alvear in the presidency. In 1928, he managed once again to win a victory, but showed increasing signs of political weakness. So he left his opponent Alvear the party presidency and continued increasing, by Agustín Pedro Justo and the generals José Félix Uriburu - in conscious opposition to Yrigoyens government - driven politicization of the military no resistance.


Against the background that Yrigoyen was an old man, the Radical Party became increasingly corrupt, and the depression hit the country deep, it was released in September 1930 a military coup led by General Uriburu, which restored the 1916 deselected domination of the oligarchy. Among the military involved in the coup and later President Juan Perón was.

The last years of his life Yrigoyen in poverty until he died on July 3, 1933. His funeral was followed by a large crowd.
