Hirsh Glick

Hirsch Glik ( born April 24, 1922 in Vilna, Poland, † 1944 in Estonia ) was a poet jiddischsprachiger in northeastern Poland and Lithuania.

Hirsch Glik wrote already in his early youth poems. After the invasion of the German Wehrmacht on the Soviet Union Hirsch Glik was taken to the concentration camp at White Guard and later with all the other prisoners in the ghetto of Vilnius. There he joined the Fareinikte Partisaner Organisatzije 1942 and took part in an uprising in the ghetto. During this time he continued to write poems and song lyrics, including 1943 as well-known Yiddish Partisan Hymn Zog nit keynmol, az du Spirit the letstn veg - Never say that you're going the last way ( to a tune of Dmitry Yakovlevich Pokrass ) and Shtil, di nakht iz oysgeshternt - Still, the night is full of stars. Hirsch Glik came in 1944 in German captivity and was taken to a concentration camp in Estonia, from where he managed to escape into the surrounding forests. A short time later, he fell in the battle against German troops at the age of 22 years.
