Hispaniola monkey

The Hispaniola Monkey ( Antillothrix bernensis ) is an extinct primate of the island of Hispaniola. She has at least survived to 2000 BC.

Subfossil remains of this kind were found in the east of the Dominican Republic and in the southwestern Haiti. The finds were estimated to be 10000-4000 years.

First of Hispaniola Monkey for a close relative of the skull or the Capuchin monkeys was maintained, subsequent studies showed that the similarities to convergent evolution based. Show details in the construction of the teeth, that the next of kin of Hispaniola monkeys of Cuba Monkey is, both types are classified today in the extinct group of apes Antilles ( Xenotrichini ).

The exact time and the causes of extinction of these primates are unclear but it is likely to be by the Indians in connection with the settlement of Hispaniola.
