Hodonín (Chrudim District)

Hodonín ( German Hodona, also Godona ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic. It is located one mile southwest of Nasavrky in the center of the iron mountains and belongs to Okres Chrudim.


The first mention of Hodonín dates from the year 1329. Owners at that time were the lords of Lichtenberg, whose administrative center was the castle Lichnice. In the 15th century took place several changes of ownership and 1454 acquired Burian Trček of Lipa the place. He was succeeded by his son Nicholas. From 1596 Zaruba z Hustířan owner of Hodonín were. Karel Zaruba was the last Czech Lord of Hodonín, he sold his property in 1628 to the Imperial Lieutenant Francois de Couriers, since the 1623 rule Nassaberg belonged. 1677 had 71 inhabitants of the village.

1701 acquired Franz Josef Schonfeld the place and in 1747 was Johann Adam von Auersperg Lord on Hodonín. The Prince of Auersperg closed Hodona to the united rule Nassaberg, Sech and Schleb. After Johann Adam was succeeded by his son Charles and his brother Vincent. 1843 had 235 inhabitants of the village.

After the abolition of patrimonial Hodonín in 1848 as the hamlet of Libkov, whose land it belonged since 1839. The goods remained until the first world war in the possession of Prince Auersperg on Nassaberg. In 1920 Hodonín was a separate municipality.

In 1964 Hodonín was incorporated along with Hradiště and Vedralka to České Lhotice. Since 1990, the place is again automatically.
