
The Isopathy is an alternative medical treatment that is derived from homeopathy. It was founded in 1833 by the Leipzig veterinarian Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux ( 1773-1849 ). Efficacy has not been scientifically established.


Lux assumed that he could treat sick animals to anthrax when he thirty potentiated the blood of sick animals and then gave them for internal use. Instead of the " similarity principle " ( " similia similibus curantur " - like is similar cure " ) of homeopathy, he put the" principle of equality " ( " aequalia aequalibus curantur "=" the same is the same cure "). The already mentioned in 1842 by Samuel Hahnemann term " Isopathy " is no longer used in its original meaning, but rather associated with the biologist Günther Enderlein.

According to Enderlein, the isopathic healing principle was already known to the physicians of antiquity. You think it would be, for example, today in the " cattle - urine therapy " traditional Indian medicine. The urine of the cattle would be plenty of so-called " Spermite " included. This refers Enderlein biological regulators from the circulation of a hypothetical endogenous polymorphic micro-organism in the blood, which he called " Endobiont ". This microorganism was detected in the blood and is responsible for a variety of chronic and degenerative ailments in all mammals. Enderlein watched this microorganism as a " Ur - symbiont " of vertebrates, which was invaded by millions of years in the precursor organism of mammals in front of hundreds. The endobionts subject to normal regulatory mechanism in which the more developed, disease -causing growth forms are broken down and excreted by the " Spermite ". The beef was highly loaded by nature, so that the urine abundant " Spermite " contained. These are identical to the " chondrite " called core proteins of the mold " Mucor " ( Fresen ), from which his isopathisches Enderlein remedies " Endobiont - Chondritin " produced.

Lack knowledge of the historical references and the Enderleinschen original work is nowadays understood as a historical Isopathy of therapy alternative medicine, are processed at the pathogens to remedies.

The Isopathy was based on the now disproved theory of pleomorphism, which was supported at the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century by some scholars, notably Antoine Béchamp and Günther Enderlein. According to this doctrine microorganisms would be present in the body under specific conditions in various forms and stages of development. In contrast, the healthy organism could degrade the pathogenic highly developed forms and render harmless, the sick, overacidified organism. The administration of non- pathogenic stages of development of a germ ( or Protiten endobionts ) a reduction in the more developed bacteria or fungi could be initiated and the patient healthy.

By means of certain drugs ( containing the pathogen archetypes according to the specifications of the Isopathy in an edited form), the symbiosis - balance can be restored by isotherapeutische Recovery. As a basis for the drugs used products of the toxins in the body (eg pus ), body products (eg hormones ), means of conventional medicine and freshly collected material from the patient's body (eg autologous blood ).

In addition to drug therapy, the Isopathy particularly concerned with the maintenance of the body's natural milieu. In addition to the correction of the acid -base balance, therefore, a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and low in animal protein belongs to each isopathic therapy.


The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, the Isopathy criticized in 1842 as a " doom and exacerbation of the disease " (note to § 56, Organon of Medicine, 6th edition ) effecting method. The Isopathy is therefore not to be confused in their thinking and their understanding of illness with homeopathy.

Described in 1925 in Berlin and Leipzig active zoologist Günther Enderlein ( 1872-1968 ) in the dark-field microscopy portable "mini- creatures ", with the more highly organized bacteria compounds were received in his opinion. Depending on the environment, the bacteria then develop into harmless or pathogenic bacteria. Thus, microorganisms are able to change shape ( pleomorphism ).

Scientific observation

Enderlein's discoveries and postulates could not be reproduced by modern microbiology. The methods of Isopathy are therefore not recognized in scientific medicine. There is - similar to homeopathy - no scientifically sound evidence of effectiveness Isopathy.
