Horace Fletcher

Horace Fletcher ( * 1849, † July 14, 1919 in Copenhagen), by profession actually an art dealer, was an American dietary reformer who declared the thorough chewing of food has become an important health-giving principle. He coined the phrase: "Nature will castigate those who do not masticate " ( " Nature will punish those who do not thoroughly chew "). Fletcher received due to its strong commitment to the pre-digestion by chewing the nickname " The Great Masticator " ( "The Great grinder "). Even liquids should be " chewed " and insalivated. Due to the impossibility of fiber completely liquefied by chewing, Fletcher advised to refrain from high-fiber foods.

Fletcher suffered some time under significant obesity and various ailments, before he took off around 1910 his Kaumethode even tried, allegedly got well and successfully. A health insurance company had refused because of his excess weight before, receive him.

However, he also called for the renunciation of meat, alcohol, coffee and tea. At Fletcher's followers were Upton Sinclair and John D. Rockefeller.

He spread his beliefs on lecture tours and earned by millions.

1919, at the age of 69, Fletcher died in Copenhagen.

The Fletcher - technology

The Fletschern (also Fletchern or Fletcherisieren ) is a particularly thorough Kautechnik, which is named after Horace Fletcher. Through the saliva and the thorough chewing the food is already predigested and the feeling of hunger is to be damped. The physician Franz Xaver Mayr was a follower of this method.

A few years ago the actor Jürgen Schilling took up this idea in his book Kau you healthy again. The following text refers to J. Schilling's statements:

When Fletchern the fusion of taste and chewing through saliva ( = saliva) to be achieved. These recommended procedures:

  • First, take small bites and salivation well. Only then with the teeth make at least 40 to 50 chews. The bite must be completely to mush or completely liquid. The chewing should - be counted to ensure full concentration on the food and to avoid distraction - at least initially. The aim is to provide with proper exercise 150 to 200 movements, until the respective bite completely dissolved, liquefied and is ausgeschmeckt.
  • While chewing hands free hold, no cutlery and certainly not keep the next bite in the hands. Residues, which can not be liquefied, must not be swallowed, but are to be taken as cherry pits or fish bones out of his mouth.
  • Liquids can - like a wine Koster - chew and " taste through ".

This comes just as mush food into the digestive tract. Some nutritionists recommend to consider the Fletschern addition to the quality of the food as an element of a healthy diet, which can serve the prevention of overweight.
